A three-day training program has been conducted within the framework of the project titled “Islamic Liquidity Management Instruments for Sustainable Development of Islamic Financial Institutions (2018-NGAFINAN-592)”

A workshop and a four-day training program has been conducted in Indonesia within the framework of the project titled “Empowering Halal Industry to Boost Intra-OIC Trade” (2018-IDNTRADE-493)”

A study visit was organized to Suriname by the delegation headed by Mr. Mehmet Metin EKER, the Director General of COMCEC Coordination Office

A training program has been conducted in Maputo within the framework of the project titled “Improving Human Capacity on Muslim Friendly Tourism for Regulating Accommodation Establishments in the OIC Member Countries” (2018-MOZTOURI-561)

The 7th Call for Project Proposals under the COMCEC Project Funding has been launched and the Call will be closed on September 30th, 2019

Please examine the information on the COMCEC Project Funding webpage (cpf.comcec.org/) and application documents on the Online Project Submission System (project.comcec.org), especially the Project Preparation and Submission Guidelines, before designing and submitting your project proposal. You can utilize the following e-mail groups to find partners and personnel for your projects; agriculture_pcm@comcec.org finance_pcm@comcec.org poverty_pcm@comcec.org tourism_pcm@comcec.org trade_pcm@comcec.org transport_pcm@comcec.org Please feel free to contact […]