The COMCEC 36th Ministerial Session was held virtually on 25-26 November.

Click for details.

The short-list of the Eight Call for Project Proposals of COMCEC Project Funding has been announced.

COMCEC Coordination Office will contact focal points whose projects are short-listed in the coming days.




During the training, project preparation, submission, appraisal, implementation, monitoring and evaluation procedures in CCR Program was discussed. The participants were also informed regarding the details of the new project types, namely Direct Grant, Needs Assessment and Sharing Expertise.

Presentations made during the Training Program:

The 36th Meeting of the COMCEC Follow-up Committee was held in a virtual-only format on 20-21 October 2020. The Members of the Follow-up Committee namely Turkey (as the permanent chairman), Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Qatar, Malaysia, Nigeria, Kuwait, Indonesia, Niger, and Pakistan participated in the Meeting. The representatives of the OIC General Secretariat and relevant OIC organizations also attended the meeting. Cooperation programs and projects in the fields of trade, transportation and communication, tourism, agriculture, poverty alleviation, and financial cooperation were elaborated on and the draft agenda of the 36th COMCEC Meeting was prepared during the Meeting.

For more details on the meeting, please click here.

COMCEC Coordination Office (CCO) is calling for project proposals to be financed in 2021 under new COMCEC COVID Response (CCR) Program. Applications will be closed on November 15th, 2020.

With a view to address the existing and potential ramifications of the COVID Pandemic, the CCO has decided to initiate the CCR for the benefit of member country public institutions.

The CCR is mainly about alleviating the negative impacts of the pandemic on member country economies with a particular focus on agriculture, trade and tourism sectors in the pilot phase. Under the Program, the CCO will finance certain types of projects, which would focus on needs assessment, sharing expertise, providing direct grants to final beneficiaries and matching inventors with investors.

Need Assessment Brochure

Sharing Expertise Brochure

Direct Grant Brochure

For the details regarding project preparation, submission, appraisal, implementation, monitoring and evaluation procedures, see CCR Guidelines. Other reference documents will be communicated to the relevant COMCEC Focal Points (agriculture, trade and tourism) of the Member Countries through e-mail.

Click here to access themes. These themes have been prepared by considering the results of the questionnaire conveyed  to the Member Countries and the outputs of the COMCEC COVID Consultation Meetings held in July 2020. Themes are not exhaustive and member countries can submit project proposals on other topics.

Member Countries are encouraged to cooperate with the relevant OIC institutions while preparing and implementing their projects under CCR.

Project owners may consider designing certain activities (training, workshop etc.) online due to the circumstances imposed by the pandemic.

Please note that only government institutions can submit project proposals to CCR. NGOs and private sector organizations are not eligible.

Please contact COMCEC Coordination Office ( for further inquiries.

The second project, titled “Supporting Institutional Capacity of Al-Quds Tourism and Heritage Council”, within the framework of the COMCEC Al-Quds Program, has been started as of September, 19th, 2020 and is planned to be completed in 2020. The project mainly aims at improving the institutionalization and sustainable financing mechanism of the Al-Quds Tourism and Heritage Council (ATHC) to be a well-functioning destination management organization for Al-Quds.

The project foresees a conceptual study for determining ATHC personnel training needs, developing training modules and deliver training programs, recommending a DMO organizational structure, HR needs and sustainable self-funding opportunities. Within this scope, after making the training needs assessment for ATHC staff regarding competencies and qualifications required, an online training program will be organized for the ATHC personnel in i) destination management and competitiveness, ii) tourism and cultural heritage planning and iii) tourism product development strategies.

For more information contact CCO at

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 New Capacity Development Program from COMCEC for Al-Quds Al-Sharif

› Two Projects under COMCEC Al-Quds Program Are Completed

Based on the resolutions adopted by the Sixth and Seventh Islamic Summits as well as the resolutions adopted by 34th COMCEC Ministerial Meeting, the COMCEC Coordination Office (CCO) initiated a new capacity development program for Al-Quds Al-Sharif. Specifically designed to improve socio-economic circumstances of people living in Al-Quds, the Program is a product of one and a half years long endeavor of CCO, the Ministry of National Economy of Palestine and Development and Investment Bank of Turkey.

First phase of the program, which composes of several interrelated projects, will focus on the needs of tourism sector and destination management in the city. Within this context, two projects, namely “Analyzing the Tourism Infrastructure and Developing a Tourism Destination Road Map for Al-Quds” and “Supporting Institutional Capacity of Tourism Cluster Organizations”, are planned to be completed in 2020.

The first project, which is already underway, targets analyzing the tourism infrastructure and developing a tourism destination road map for Al-Quds. The main objectives of the study is to identify characteristics of the city as a destination, explore environmental factors, analyze the tourism value chain, identify stakeholders and their relationships and assess the needs for tourism sector.

The second project, on the other hand, will aim at improving necessary skills of the personnel working in the tourism cluster organizations in Al-Quds and institutionalization of those organizations. In the end, trainees are expected to gain major competencies and learn the occupational standards that are needed in a well-functioning destination management organization.

For more information contact CCO at

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 Second Project under Al-Quds Program kicks off

 Two Projects under COMCEC Al-Quds Program Are Completed

The 15th Meeting of COMCEC Poverty Alleviation Working Group was held on September 29th, 2020 in a virtual-only format, with the theme of “Urban Poverty in the OIC Member Countries.”

The meeting was attended by the representatives of 16 Member States. The meeting was further attended by the representatives of the World Bank Group Global Knowledge and Research Hub in Malaysia, IsDB Group, SESRIC, and COMCEC Coordination Office.

The representatives of the Member States have shared their experiences, achievements and challenges concerning eradicating urban poverty in their respective countries.

The meeting has mainly considered the study titled “Urban Poverty in Islamic Countries” commissioned by the COMCEC Coordination Office.

For further information regarding the meeting, please follow the links below:

The 15th Meeting of the COMCEC Tourism Working Group was held on September 24th-25th, 2020 in a virtual-only format, with the theme of “Developing Medical Tourism in the OIC Member Countries”.

The Meeting was attended by the representatives of 18 Member States. Representatives of COMCEC Coordination Office, UNWTO, WTTC, ICDT, ICCIA and SMIIC have also attended the Meeting.

The Representatives of the Member States have shared their experiences, achievements and challenges regarding medical tourism in their respective countries. Furthermore, in line with the relevant resolution of the 35th Ministerial Session of the COMCEC, the 15th Meeting of the TWG has also served as the preparatory platform for the Ministerial Exchange of Views Session of the 36th COMCEC Session to be held on November 25th, 2020 with the theme of “Promoting Entrepreneurship for Tourism Industry Competitiveness.” The participants have deliberated on the aforementioned theme and developed a set of policy recommendations to be submitted to the Ministers for their kind consideration during the Ministerial Exchange of Views Session.

The Meeting has mainly considered the Studies “Developing Medical Tourism in the OIC Member Countries” and “Tourism Entrepreneurship in the OIC Countries” commissioned by the COMCEC Coordination Office.

For further information regarding the Meeting, follow the links below:

The 15th Meeting of the COMCEC Trade Working Group was held on September 22nd, 2020 in Ankara, Turkey with the theme of “Guidelines for Establishing Effective National Trade Facilitation Bodies in the OIC Countries”.

The representatives of 18 OIC Member States attended the Meeting. Representatives of WTO, SESRIC, ICDT, ITFC, ICIEC and COMCEC Coordination Office have also attended the Meeting.

The Representatives of the Member States have shared their experiences, achievements and challenges on national trade facilitation bodies in their respective countries. During the Meeting, the participants mainly considered the “COMCEC Handbook for High Performing National Trade Facilitation Bodies”.

For further information on the Meeting, follow the links below: