
The 18th Meeting of the COMCEC Agriculture Working Group was held on May 16th, 2022, in a virtual-only format with the theme of “Transforming Food Systems after COVID-19: Agricultural Knowledge and Information Systems in the OIC Member Countries”.

The representatives of 12 Member States, which have notified their focal points for the Agriculture Working Group, attended the Meeting. The meeting was further attended by the IFAD, SESRIC, Islamic Development Bank, Islamic Organization for Food Security (IOFS) and COMCEC Coordination Office (CCO).

Representatives of the Member States and international institutions have shared their experiences and best practice examples about the role of agricultural knowledge and information systems in transforming food systems in the face of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants have also listened to the preliminary findings of the research report which is being prepared specifically on the theme of the Meeting. The final version of the report will be submitted to the 19th Meeting of the Working Group to be held in October, 2022.

For further information on the Meeting, follow the links below:


The 18th Meeting of COMCEC Transport and Communications Working Group was held virtually on May 17th, 2022, with the theme of “Economic and Social Impacts of Transport Infrastructures:  An Overview of OIC Member Countries”.

The representatives of 15 Member States attended the meeting. Furthermore, the representatives of the Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC), Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), The Islamic Corporation for the Insurance of Investment and Export Credit (ICIEC) and The Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector (ICD) and COMCEC Coordination Office (CCO) attended the meeting.

The representatives of the Member States have shared their experiences, achievements and challenges regarding economic and social impacts of transport infrastructures in their respective countries. Furthermore, they have deliberated global practices for the assessments of economic and social impacts of transport infrastructures and key success factors and challenges faced in the OIC Member Countries. The meeting has mainly considered the preliminary findings of the research report titled “Economic and Social Impacts of Transport Infrastructures:  An Overview of OIC Member Countries” which is being conducted by the CCO.

For further information regarding the meeting, please follow the links below:



The 18th Meeting of the COMCEC Tourism Working Group was held on May 12th, 2022 in a virtual-only format, with the theme of “Sustainable Human Resource Management in Tourism Sector”.

The Meeting was attended by the representatives of 17 Member States. Representatives of COMCEC Coordination Office, and SESRIC have also attended the Meeting.

The Representatives of the Member States have shared their experiences, achievements and challenges regarding human resource management in their respective countries The participants have deliberated on the aforementioned theme and considered the study “Sustainable Human Resource Management in Tourism Sector” commissioned by the COMCEC Coordination Office.

For further information regarding the Meeting, follow the links below:

The 18th Meeting of the COMCEC Trade Working Group was held on May 11th, 2022, in a virtual-only format with the theme of “Increasing Internationalization of SMEs in the OIC Member Countries”.

The representatives of 19 Member States, which have notified their focal points for the Trade Working Group, attended the Meeting. The meeting was further attended by the representatives of OECD, SESRIC, ICDT, ICCIA and COMCEC Coordination Office.

The Representatives of the Member States have shared their experiences, achievements and challenges on SME internationalization. Türkiye, ICDT and CCO made presentation on Trade Preferential System among the OIC Member States (TPS-OIC). The Meeting has also considered the first draft study of the research report prepared on the said theme.

For further information on the Meeting, follow the links below:


Poverty Alleviation

The 18th Meeting of the COMCEC Poverty Alleviation Working Group (PAWG) was held on May 10th, 2022, in a virtual-only format with the theme of “Effective Social Assistance Provision and Socioeconomic Empowerment in the light of COVID-19 Pandemic”.

The representatives of 13 Member States, which have notified their focal points for the Poverty Alleviation Working Group, attended the Meeting. The meeting was further attended by the World Food Programme, Turkish Red Crescent (KIZILAY), SESRIC and COMCEC Coordination Office (CCO).

The Representatives of the Member States and International Institutions have shared their experiences, achievements, and challenges on how social assistance programs have been conducted and how these programs can function more effectively in the face of increasing poverty problems with the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants have also listened to the preliminary findings of the research report which is being prepared specifically on the theme of the Meeting. The final version of the report will be submitted to the 19th Meeting of the Working Group to be held in October, 2022.

For further information on the Meeting, follow the links below:


The first term of 2022 COMCEC Working Group meetings have started.

Click for meeting schedule and details.


The 17th Meeting of the COMCEC Financial Cooperation Working Group was held on May 9th, 2022, in a virtual-only format with the theme of “Standardization Efforts in Islamic Finance”.

The representatives of 26 Member States, which have notified their focal points for the Financial Cooperation Working Group, attended the Meeting. The meeting was further attended by the representatives of the SESRIC, SMIIC, IsDB, AAOIFI, CIBAFI, OIC Exchanges Forum, COMCEC Capital Markets Regulators Forum, OIC-COMCEC Central Banks Forum, Participation Banks Association of Turkey (TKBB), Ziraat Portföy, UNDP Istanbul International Center for Private Sector in Development (IICPSD), and COMCEC Coordination Office.

The Representatives of the Member States and international institutions have shared their experiences, achievements, and challenges on increasing the Standardization Efforts in Islamic Finance. The Meeting has also considered the first case-country study (Türkiye)  along with the first draft of the research report prepared on the said theme.


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Project owners will be contacted by the COMCEC Coordination Office in the coming days.


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Successful applicants will be contacted by the COMCEC Coordination Office in the coming days.

Visit Of Nigerian Delegation