Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

Taking into consideration the worsening situation regarding the global coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and WHO’s decision on March 11, 2020 to declare this outbreak as a pandemic, it has been decided to postpone COMCEC Meetings in this period (36th Follow-up Committee Meeting,  15th Round of Working Group Meetings and 7th Project Call Training Meeting)  to later convenient dates. The […]

The COMCEC Coordination Office has completed the evaluations of projects submitted under the 7th Call for Project Proposals and announced the final-list of the successful projects of the 2020 implementation period. Click here to access the final list. To commence the project implementation period, the next phase is the signature of the contract with the Development and […]

Taking into consideration the worsening situation regarding the global coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and WHO’s decision on March 11, 2020 to declare this outbreak as a pandemic, it has been decided to postpone COMCEC Meetings in this period (36th Follow-up Committee Meeting,  15th Round of Working Group Meetings and 7th Project Call Training Meeting)  to later convenient dates. The […]

The COMCEC Coordination Office has completed the evaluations of projects submitted under the 7th Call for Project Proposals and announced the final-list of the successful projects of the 2020 implementation period. Click here to access the final list. To commence the project implementation period, the next phase is the signature of the contract with the Development and […]