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OICSMIIC Halal Quality Infrastructure Training
9th Call For Project Proposals

The CCO is calling for project proposals to be financed in 2022 in selected sectoral themes. Applications will be closed on September 30th, 2021. Project owners may consider designing certain activities (training, workshop etc.) online due to the circumstances imposed by the pandemic. Click here to proceed to online application system. Please contact CCO (cpf@comcec.org) […]

OICSMIIC Halal Quality Infrastructure Training
9th Call For Project Proposals

The CCO is calling for project proposals to be financed in 2022 in selected sectoral themes. Applications will be closed on September 30th, 2021. Project owners may consider designing certain activities (training, workshop etc.) online due to the circumstances imposed by the pandemic. Click here to proceed to online application system. Please contact CCO (cpf@comcec.org) […]