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11th Meeting of the COMCEC Poverty Alleviation Working Group

The 11th Meeting of the COMCEC Poverty Alleviation Working Group was held on April 5th, 2018 in Ankara, Turkey with the theme of “Quality of Education of in the OIC Member Countries”. The Meeting was attended by the representatives of 15 member states, which have notified their focal points for the Poverty Alleviation Working Group […]

10th Meeting of the COMCEC Financial Cooperation Working Group

The 10th Meeting of the COMCEC Financial Cooperation Working Group was held on March 29th, 2018 in Ankara, Turkey with the theme of “Diversification of Islamic Financial Instruments”. The Meeting was attended by the representatives of 20 Member States, which have notified their focal points for the Financial Cooperation Working Group. Representatives of COMCEC Coordination […]

11th Meeting of the COMCEC Transport and Communications Working Group

The 11th Meeting of the COMCEC Transport and Communications Working Group was held on March 15th 2018 in Ankara, Turkey with the theme of “Governance of Transport Corridors in OIC Member States: Challenges, Cases and Policy Lessons”. The meeting was attended by the representatives of 21 Member States. The meeting was further attended by the […]

12th Meeting of the COMCEC Transport and Communications Working Group

The 12th Meeting of the COMCEC Transport and Communications Working Group was held on October 11th 2018, in Ankara, Turkey with the theme of “Planning of National Transport Infrastructure in the OIC Member States”. The meeting was attended by the representatives of 15 Member States. The meeting was further attended by the representatives of the […]

11th Meeting of the COMCEC Trade Working Group

The 11th Meeting of the COMCEC Trade Working Group was held on March 7-8 2018 in Ankara, Turkey with the theme of “Facilitating Trade: Improving Customs Risk Management Systems in the OIC Member States”. The Meeting was attended by the representatives of 28 Member States. Moreover, representatives of COMCEC Coordination Office, ICCIA, ICDT, ITFC, SMIIC, […]