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Two Projects under COMCEC Al-Quds Program Are Completed

First two projects conducted within the scope of the COMCEC Al-Quds Program in 2020 were completed. Under Project One, the characteristics of Al-Quds as a tourism destination were identified and the tourism value chain in the city was analyzed. The road map covering the strategy to improve the tourism sector was developed with a view […]

Online Training Program on COMCEC COVID Response (CCR) Program was held on October 21st, 2020

During the training, project preparation, submission, appraisal, implementation, monitoring and evaluation procedures in CCR Program was discussed. The participants were also informed regarding the details of the new project types, namely Direct Grant, Needs Assessment and Sharing Expertise. Presentations made during the Training Program: Introducing COMCEC COVID Response CCR Direct Grant CCR Needs Assessment CCR […]

36th Meeting of the Follow-up Committee of COMCEC

The 36th Meeting of the COMCEC Follow-up Committee was held in a virtual-only format on 20-21 October 2020. The Members of the Follow-up Committee namely Turkey (as the permanent chairman), Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Qatar, Malaysia, Nigeria, Kuwait, Indonesia, Niger, and Pakistan participated in the Meeting. The representatives of the OIC General Secretariat and relevant OIC organizations […]

CCO is Calling for Project Proposals under COMCEC COVID Response

COMCEC Coordination Office (CCO) is calling for project proposals to be financed in 2021 under new COMCEC COVID Response (CCR) Program. Applications will be closed on November 15th, 2020. With a view to address the existing and potential ramifications of the COVID Pandemic, the CCO has decided to initiate the CCR for the benefit of member country public institutions. […]

Second Project under Al-Quds Program kicks off

The second project, titled “Supporting Institutional Capacity of Al-Quds Tourism and Heritage Council”, within the framework of the COMCEC Al-Quds Program, has been started as of September, 19th, 2020 and is planned to be completed in 2020. The project mainly aims at improving the institutionalization and sustainable financing mechanism of the Al-Quds Tourism and Heritage […]