Within the scope of the 8th Implementation Period of the COMCEC Project Funding, the conference activity of the project titled “Developing Human Capital in OIC Countries for Technical Halal Auditing based on SMIIC Halal Certification System & Halal Quality Infrastructure” the was held on 6-7 October 2021 by Turkish Halal Accreditation Agency (HAK).

The international conference themed “Globalization of Trust in Halal Certification”, which is the second activity within the scope of the project, was attended online or physically from many OIC countries, primarily Turkey, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan. In addition, around 500 listeners were reached in total, with participation from non-OIC countries such as the USA, Australia, Spain, Mongolia, Russia, Singapore and Uruguay.

The video recording of the conference can be accessed from the link below.

