Archive for year: 2018
Within the framework of the project titled “Improving Financial Consumer Protection in the OIC Member Countries” (2017-TURFINAN-463) being implemented by the Ministry of Trade of Turkey, a two-day workshop has been conducted between 26-27 September, 2018 in İstanbul. The workshop was attended by a total of 46 participants from Azerbaijan, Algeria, Gambia, Iran, Jordan, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Sudan and Saudi Arabia.
The workshop focused on consumer protection policies, financial fraud cases, crypto currencies, alternative dispute resolution solutions and best practices in financial consumer protection field in the OIC countries. In addition, a draft strategy document on financial consumer protection has been prepared in order to facilitate cooperation among the OIC countries and this document will be finalized based on the written contributions of the participating countries.
The 12th Meeting of the COMCEC Poverty Alleviation Working Group was held on October 4th, 2018 in Ankara, Turkey with the theme of “Skills Development in the OIC: Vocational Education”.
The Meeting was attended by the representatives of 16 Member States, which have notified their focal points for the Poverty Alleviation Working Group namely Algeria, Benin, Egypt, Gabon, the Gambia, Iran, Jordan, Malaysia, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sudan, Tunisia, Turkey. Representatives of COMCEC Coordination Office, Asian Development Bank (ADB), SESRIC and Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality have also attended the Meeting.
The Representatives of the Member States have shared their experiences, achievements and challenges in vocational education in their respective countries. The Meeting has considered the Studies “Skills Development: Vocational Education in the Islamic Countries” commissioned by the COMCEC Coordination Office and the “COMCEC Poverty Outlook 2017” prepared by the COMCEC Coordination Office.
For further information on the Meeting, follow the links below:
The 12th Meeting of the COMCEC Agriculture Working Group was held on September 20th, 2018 in Ankara, Turkey with the theme of “Analysis of Agri-food Trade Structures to Promote Agri-food Trade Networks among the OIC Member Countries”.
The Meeting was attended by the representatives of 14 Member States which have notified their focal points for the Agriculture Working Group. Representatives of COMCEC Coordination Office, Islamic Development Bank, SESRIC, UNCTAD have also attended the Meeting.
The Representatives of the Member States have shared their experiences, achievements and challenges in promoting Agri-food Trade Networks among the OIC Member Countries. The Meeting has considered the Studies “Analysis of Agri-food Trade Structures to Promote Agri-food Trade Networks among the OIC Member Countries” commissioned by the COMCEC Coordination Office and the “COMCEC Agriculture Outlook 2018” prepared by the COMCEC Coordination Office.
For further information on the Meeting, follow the links below:
The 12th Meeting of the COMCEC Tourism Working Group was held on September 13th, 2018 in Ankara, Turkey with the theme of “Destination Marketing Strategies in the OIC Member Countries”.
The Meeting was attended by the representatives of 16 Member States, which have notified their focal points for the Tourism Working Group namely, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Egypt, Gambia, Indonesia, Iran, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mali, Maldives, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Tunusia and Turkey. Representatives of COMCEC Coordination Office, İSTKA, SESRIC, Servsci Ltd and ICVB have also attended the Meeting.
The Representatives of the Member States have shared their experiences, achievements and challenges regarding destination marketing in their respective countries. The Meeting has considered the Studies “Destination Marketing Strategies in the OIC Member Countries” commissioned by the COMCEC Coordination Office and the “COMCEC Tourism Outlook 2018” prepared by the COMCEC Coordination Office.
For further information regarding the Meeting, follow the links below:
The Sixth Project Proposal Call
Under the COMCEC Project Funding, financial support will be provided for the projects proposed by relevant public institutions of the COMCEC Member Countries and Subsidiary, Specialized and Affiliated OIC Institutions operating in the field of economic and commercial cooperation. The project submission period has started on September 1st, 2018 and project proposals should be submitted through Online Project Submission System ( within 30 days.
Projects can be designed in one of the 6 cooperation areas of the COMCEC (agriculture, finance, poverty alleviation, transport and communications, tourism and trade) and in accordance with sectoral themes announced on the COMCEC website (
Project submissions are made by the COMCEC Focal Points, who have the username and password for the Online Project Submission System. If you are a COMCEC Focal Point and you do not have the username and password, please kindly send an e-mail to to request them.
Before the submission of the project proposals, the information presented on the COMCEC website and the relevant project application documents available on the Online Project Submission System must be examined.
You may contact the COMCEC Coordination Office through for your questions about the application process.
Contact Us
COMCEC Coordination Office:
Necatibey Cad. No:110/A
06580 Ankara-TÜRKİYE
- Phone: (90) (312) 294 57 10
- Fax: (90)(312) 294 57 77 – (90)(312) 294 57 79
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